5768 (2007-2008) Season



MP3 only. For CD’s please contact navipods@gmail.com

Purchase the entire 5768 (2007-2008) season of Rabbi Reisman’s Navi Shiur at over 25% off the per shiur price!

Enjoy every single Navi Shiur from the 5768 season of sefer Yirmiyahu  in one affordable collection.

Once purchased, files can be downloaded in one large zip file.

Included in this set:

1. Shaar Hasimcha (31:34) [Y-115]
2. The Dawn’s Early Light (31:35) [Y-116]
3. The Third Bais Hamikdash (31:37) [Y-117]
4. Lashon Horah In Tanach (32:1) [Y-118]
5. Shlichus Stories (32:3) [Y-119]
6. First Cousins (32:6) [Y-120]
7. The Steipler’s Son (32:7) [Y-121]
8. The Chashmonaim (32:9) [Y-122]
9. The Uncertainty Principle (32:12) [Y-123]
10. Pray With Accuracy (32:16) [Y-124]
11. The Sixth Name Of Hashem (32:19) [Y-125]
12. Copernicus (32:26) [Y-126]
13. Going Fishing (32:37) [Y-127]
14. Three Secrets (32:44) [Y-128]
15. Chassidic Customs (33:1) [Y-129]
16. The World’s Best Husband (33:10) [Y-130]
17. Someday We Will All Be Together (33:14) [Y-131]
18. Bris Controversies (33:21) [Y-132]
19. Speling Mistakes (33:26) [Y-133]
20. Prava Golus (34:1) [Y-134]
21. Slavery (34:8) [Y-135]
22. Purim Imponderables (34:14) [Y-136]
23. Leave Something For Your Children (35:1) [Y-137]
24. The Purim Drunk (35:6) [Y-138]
25. The Recobites (35:12) [Y-139]
26. Megillas Eichah (36:1) [Y-140]
27. The Very First Pesach Seder (36:9) [Y-141]
28. The Power Of The Pen (36:14) [Y-142]
29. People Are Funny (36:19) [Y-143]
30. Sefer Torah Mysteries (36:24) [Y-144]
31. The World’s Best Segulah (36:26) [Y-145]
32. Yom Hameyuchos (36:27) [Y-146]
33. Eicha Imponderables (36:32) [Y-147]
34. Boruch The Disciple Of Yirmiyah (36:32) [Y-148]
35. Introductions of Sifrei Kodesh (37:1) [Y-149]