Sefer Shmuel II



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Purchase the entire Sefer Shmuel II of Rabbi Reisman’s Navi Shiur at 33% off the per shiur price! Enjoy every single Navi Shiur from the past few years in one affordable collection.

Once purchased, files can be downloaded as 7 large zip files.

Included in this set are the following 137 shiurim:

1. Self-Incrimination (1:1-4) [SII-1]
2. Nital Night; Modesty (1:5-10) [SII-2]
3. Yarzheit: Feast or Fast (1:11-16) [SII-3]
4. Rules for Eating Cake (1:17-18) [SII-4]
5. Stealing From a Non-Jew (1:18-21) [SII-5]
6. Kashering Utensils (1:21-23) [SII-6]
7. Covering of a Woman’s Hair (1:24-27) [SII-7]
8. Dovid’s Influence (2:1-4) [SII-8]
9. Inheriting a Communal Position (2:4-6) [SII-9]
10. Burial in Israel (2:6-11) [SII-10]
11. Whose Body is It? (2:12-17) [SII-11]
12. Gambling; Navardok: Self-Control I (2:16-19) [SII-12]
13. Rodef: The Right of Self-Defense (2:20-28) [SII-13]
14. Escorting thr Dead: Stubbornness (2:26-32) [SII-14]
15. Children: Helping Them Grow Up (3:1-5) [SII-15]
16. Civil Marriages in Halacha (3:5-11) [SII-16]
17. Dovid’s Marriage to Michal (3:11-13) [SII-17]
18. Yichud; Ultimate Responsibility (3:14-20) [SII-18]
19. Yoav’s Revenge (3:21-28) [SII-19]
20. Power of Speech (3:38-39) [SII-20]
21. Setting Up a Will (4:1-4) [SII-21]
22. Sleep (4:5-7) [SII-22]
23. Burying of Limbs (4:8-12) [SII-23]
24. Educating Children (5:1-3) [SII-24]
25. Can We Sign a Peace Treaty? (5:4-6) [SII-25]
26. Yerushalayim: A Tour of the Eternal City I (5:6) [SII-26]
27. Yerushalayim: A Tour of the Eternal City II (5:6-9) [SII-27]
28. Moods: Getting a Hold of Yourself (5:11-12) [SII-28]
29. First Year of Marriage: Naming Children (5:13-16) [SII-29]
30. Achdus; Destroying Idols (5:17-21) [SII-30]
31. Navardok: Self Control II (5:20-25) [SII-31]
32. Ordination; G-d’s Name (6:1-4) [SII-32]
33. Holiness of the Aron Hakodesh (6:5-6) [SII-33]
34. Religious Utensils (6:7-10) [SII-34]
35. Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness (6:11-13) [SII-35]
36. The Kohain’s Blessing (6:14-19) [SII-36]
37. Shalom Bayis (6:20-23) [SII-37]
38. Erasing G-d’s Name: Discarding Shaimos (7:1-3) [SII-38]
39. Plagiarism (7:4-9) [SII-39]
40. Does Hashem Retract Prophecies? (7:10-13) [SII-40]
41. Good Excuses (7:14-17) [SII-41]
42. Sheva Brachos (7:18-20) [SII-42]
43. Humility (7:21-29) [SII-43]
44. Bribing (8:1-3) [SII-44]
45. Animal Rights (8:4-11) [SII-45]
46. Modern Day Amalek (8:12-14) [SII-46]
47. Din Torah and True Justice (8:15) [SII-47]
48. The Golem in Halacha (8:16-17) [SII-48]
49. The Golem in Fact (8:18) [SII-49]
50. Professional Confidence (9:1-4) [SII-50]
51. Safeguarding Secrets (9:5) [SII-51]
52. Grandparents; Giving Creates Love (9:6-9) [SII-52]
53. Finances and Marriage (9:10) [SII-53]
54. Inner Strenght (9:11-13) [SII-54]
55. Standing on Principle; Shaving (10:1-5) [SII-55]
56. Lift & Cut Shavers (10:5) [SII-56]
57. Danger and Rescue (10:6-12) [SII-57]
58. Facing Uncertainties: Bitachon & Fear (10:11-19) [SII-58]
59. Witnesses at the Marriage Ceremony (11:1-2) [SII-59]
60. Understanding Dovid & Bas Sheva (11:3-8) [SII-60]
61. Failure as a Foundation to T’shuva (11:9-13) [SII-61]
62. Organ Transplants (11:14-17) [SII-62]
63. Unity & Divisiveness (11:18-24) [SII-63]
64. Responding to Rebuke (12:1-4) [SII-64]
65. Shiduchim: Finding the Right Match (12:5-7) [SII-65]
66. Be Your Own Judge (12:7-10) [SII-66]
67. Responding to Sin (12:11-13) [SII-67]
68. Naming Children; Celebrating Birthdays (12:14-18) [SII-68]
69. Host Mothers (12:19-23) [SII-69]
70. Dovid and Adam Hareshon (12:24-25) [SII-70]
71. Recyling Avoda Zorah (12:26-31) [SII-71]
72. Fried Foods (13:1-9) [SII-72]
73. Yichud; The Mitzva Tanz; True Love (13:10-18) [SII-73]
74. The Marriage Ceremony (13:18-20) [SII-74]
75. Leniencies in Halacha (13:21-28) [SII-75]
76. Shatnes in a Baseball Glove (13:29-30) [SII-76]
77. Actions Set the Mood (13:31-39) [SII-77]
78. Improving Your Memory (14:1-2) [SII-78]
79. Siamese Twins (14:3-11) [SII-79]
80. Gilgul: Coming Back? (14:12-15) [SII-80]
81. Our Obligation to Non-Observant Jews (14:16-20) [SII-81]
82. Baseness of Man (14:21-25) [SII-82]
83. Long Hair (14:26) [SII-83]
84. Intentional Theft (14:27-33) [SII-84]
85. Flattery (15:1-6) [SII-85]
86. Having Faith; Calculating the Shmittah Cycle (15:7-12 ) [SII-86]
87. Forces of Darkness (15:13-17) [SII-87]
88. The Honor & Kedusha of a Levi (15:18-24) [SII-88]
89. Using a Jastrow (15:25-31) [SII-89]
90. Hydroponics (15:32-37) [SII-90]
91. The Effects of a Curse; Stolen Goods (16:1-8) [SII-91]
92. Controlling the Mood-Dealing With Insults (16:9-12) [SII-92]
93. Preordained Punishment (16:13-23) [SII-93]
94. The Older Twin; Circumstantial Evidence (16:11-22) [SII-94]
95. Mazal & Astrology (17:1-15) [SII-95]
96. Saving Lives; Garbage Cans on Shabbos (17:15-22) [SII-96]
97. Praying for Death (17:23-25) [SII-97]
98. Cholov Yisroel (17:24-29) [SII-98]
99. Achdus (18:1-8) [SII-99]
100. The Body & Soul After Death (18:9-18) [SII-100]
101. Candle Lighting & the Smah’s Wife (18:19-29) [SII-101]
102. Patience With Children; One Body: Parent & Child (19:1-6) [SII-102]
103. Holiness of Jews; Snow (19:6-8) [SII-103]
104. Metzorah Today?; Yichus of a Kohain (19:9-24) [SII-104]
105. Joy! (19:25) [SII-105]
106. Guard Your Tongue (19:25-30) [SII-106]
107. A Sign From Heaven; Kosher Fish (19:29-30) [SII-107]
108. Selling Chomets (19:30-31) [SII-108]
109. Aging (19:32-37) [SII-109]
110. Guest: Whose Food Is It? (19:38-44) [SII-110]
111. Ascending in Kedusha (20:1-3) [SII-111]
112. Studying Torah; Living Up to Your Potential (20:4-13) [SII-112]
113. Medical Questions of Life & Death (20:14-22) [SII-113]
114. Sanctity of Public Positions; Danger in Childbirth (20:23) [SII-114]
115. Priorities in Charity (20:24-26) [SII-115]
116. Business Competition: Hasogas G’vul (21:1) [SII-116]
117. The Holocaust : Questions of Life & Death (21:2-7) [SII-117]
118. Understanding the Calendar; Re-Interment (21:8) [SII-118]
119. Body & Soul: Staying Connected (21:11-14) [SII-119]
120. Dovid’s Last Battle: The Footsteps of Moshiach (21:15) [SII-120]
121. The Power of Prayer (22:1-7) [SII-121]
122. The Musk Controversy (22:8-19) [SII-122]
123. Dealing With Cheaters; Palm Reading (22:20-29) [SII-123]
124. Getting Carried Away With the Crowd: Tools for Change (22:30-37) [SII-124]
125. Printer Errors and Halacha (22:38) [SII-125]
126. One Hundred Brachos a Day (23:1-5) [SII-126]
127. The Written Word (23:6-7) [SII-127]
128. Strength & Integrity (23:8-17) [SII-128]
129. Ben Ish Chai: Angels, Spirits & Man (23:18-20) [SII-129]
130. Copyright Laws (23:21-23) [SII-130]
131. A Sense of History (23:24) [SII-131]
132. Counting Jews (24:1-2) [SII-132]
133. Eilu-V’eilu: Can Both Be Right (24:3-9) [SII-133]
134. Tachanun: Accepting the Will of the King (24:10-14) [SII-134]
135. International Date Line (24:15-16) [SII-135]
136. Taking Control of the Temple Mount (24:17) [SII-136]
137. Siyum Shiur: Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rabbi Avrohom Pam, Rabbi Dovid Cohen (Siyum) [SII-137]